
艺高高 > 活动展销 > 放肆,活。GO!YOUNG!艺高高青年新锐邀请展




展览简介:每一位纯粹靠艺术生存的孩子,都是放肆的!因为能够活下来的,是少数的……如果每一位喜欢艺术的孩子,都不在乎做艺术是否会有前途,都不在乎搞艺术是否算正常职业,也许,他们距离梦想会更近一步。 这是一群1984年后出生的孩子,有的刚满30周岁,有的还不足20岁,仅仅是因为都活在艺术圈,彼此之间就不存在前辈后辈的关系,无时无刻不在竞争。 很遗憾,我们没有办法帮每一个爱艺术的孩子,实现他们的梦想。我们从200多位艺术家近两千幅作品中,挑选了近40位艺术家,超过70幅作品。 只有1/5的入选几率,这似乎比考大学还难……梦想的路上都会有人阻挡,但所谓的荒唐,却是他们心中的天堂。放肆,活! Every young artists living purely off from art is a rebel in their heart, because few can persist with so much distractions and obstacles in reality. If every young artist who loves art and cares not whether art can promise a bright future or decent job, maybe he or she could be a step closer to their dream. We have gathered a group of young artists born after 1984. Some just reached their 30s and some even below 20s. They have decided to join this fierce competition because they know there is competition in the Art circle everywhere. We are not able to reach out to all young artists and assist them to realize their dream. Out of around 2000 art pieces by more than 200 artists, we have selected a sum of 70 plus art pieces from 40 artists. This is an entry ratio of one to five which is possibly even lower than the admission rate to college. The road leading to the dream is never a bed of roses. However, the so-called absurdity will bring them closer to the heaven within them. To live is to be rebellious! 艺术家名单(排名不分先后): 陈宇韵,崔乐根,董靖,董南南,费翠翠,葛潇,宫悦源,郭耀龙,韩旭,何子,胡卫齐,江云涛,姜长增,金晶,李嘉儒,李笺,李可煌,李易君,李苑琛,林瑶瑶,鹿喜喜,吕晛,潘蕾,平阿丹,孙智姣,唐颖,王硕,王毅,夏静,向琳,徐振邦,阳小军,禹露,曾元伟,朱晓盼,宗蕾,邹欣 主题派对: ①主题:Go!Young! 对话青年主题派对 内容: 1.曹启泰现场访谈青年艺术家 2.艺高高特色活动:小画联翩 时间:2015年1月23日(星期五) 14:00-16:30 地点:张江当代艺术馆 ②主题:艺高高×夏加儿美术教育 特别企划 1.讲座:艺术玩出味-如何欣赏抽象画 2.现场创作体验抽象画 时间:2015年1月31日(星期六) 13:30-16:00 地点:张江当代艺术馆
